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“If were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable/predictable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.” Ann Landers


“The possibilities of what life can be if a person has a goal in mind, then puts his or her heart, soul, and mind into meeting the goal.” “Decide what you want out of life; look on the positive side; and never give up until you achieve it.” Bill Porter


“I feel all these setbacks were tools for me to learn from. I used them as stepping-stones and didn’t see them as failures. A failure is when you stop trying, and I never did that.” Tom Monaghan


“Nothing comes easy, you have to work hard for everything. And no matter how small your voice is, I believe you can make a difference.” Laura-Beth Moore


“I knew instinctively/unconsciously that my unyielding/firm drive was my most important asset. Perseverance will always be just as important – important as talent. Never stop believing! Never give up! Never quit! Never.” Joan Rivers


“I persevered against the odds/probability and against the rules because I believed in my dreams. It would have been more difficult for me to live with that unfulfilled passion than it was to fight to make it happen.”  Shirley Muldowney


Your Personal Action Plan: Perseverance Rewards Your Efforts


“Never…Never… Never quit”


Step 1: Focus on Your Goal

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Views: 533 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

It’s happened to everyone who has a goal. You decide what you want, develop a plan, take the first step, and then the unexpected happens.


“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan


“What saved us over and over was our willingness to recognize what wasn’t working and quickly identify a new way of looking at it. By remaining flexible and open to creative solutions, the results have been miraculous.” Anita Roddick


“I don’t let obstacle get me down. I focus on how to overcome them. You can work around any obstacle by going under it if it’s too high, going over it if it’s too low. There’s always a way!” James Rocky Robinson


“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” Margaret Thatcher


“All of this was possible because I didn’t stop at the first or 100th no I received. If one approach didn’t work, I’d try another one, and I never gave up.” John Mautner


“The truth is that the average ‘bottom-of-the-ladder’ person is potentially as creative as the top executive who sits in the big office. The problem is that the person on the bottom of the ladder doesn’t trust his own brilliance and doesn’t therefore, believe in his own ideas.” Dr. Robert H. Schuller


“We weren’t promised a bed of roses,”  “and the sun always shines after the rain.”


“Things don’t just happen. You have to make them happen and you can count on nothing working out exactly as planned. By working hard and creatively looking for solutions, you will find your way around all of life’s obstacles.” Eula Hall


Ask ourselves the following question: “What can I do, with what I have, to get what I want?”


Your Personal Action Plan: Tapping Your Creativity


Pursuing a goal is a constantly evolving process. No one who has ever followed a dream has taken a direct, unobstructed path and arrived at his or her destination effortlessly and on time. Following a dream is not a direct highway but a bumpy road full of twists and turns and occasional roadblocks. The journey requires modifications and adjustments in both thought and action, not just once, but over and over. And that means you must be flexible and creative.


Step 1: Develop Your Inborn Creativity

Creativity is a Muscle

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Views: 458 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

You don’t have to do it alone and you shouldn’t. The stronger your team, the more unstoppable you are.


“You can make it, but it’s easier if you don’t have to do it alone.” Betty Ford


“Will you help me? Those are the only words you need to say, and someone will help you.” Tom Harken


“You can’t do it all yourself, Don’t be afraid to rely on others to help you accomplish your goals.” Oprah Winfrey


“It’s  easier to be ignorant and say I don’t know about the problem. But once you know, once you’ve seen it in their eyes, then you have a responsibility to do something. There s strength in numbers, and if we all work together as a team, we can be unstoppable.” Craig K.


“The young do not know enough to be prudent/careful, and therefore they attempt the impossible – and achieve it, generation after generation.” Pearl S. Buck


“If you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to ask for help.” Gertrude Boyle


“The most important thing about establishing goals is to make sure they are important to other people in addition to you” Billy Payne

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Views: 367 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

The average individual has no real plan for his or her future. He or she may have fantasies and even hopes, but not plans.


“There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere. There is only advancing step by step, slowly and tortuously, up the pyramid toward your goals.” Ben Stein


“I’ve always had a vision to do bigger and better things. Not just for myself, but for my family and community. I know you don’t do it all at once. It takes planning and preparation to get big things done, and I was willing to spend fifteen years preparing myself for the challenge. Lee Dunham


“I learned that confidence comes only after a measure of success, and success comes after a whole lot of practice and preparation.” Maury Wills


“I hated every minute of the training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” Muhammad Ali


“I believe that all of us have the potential to rise above our weaknesses, and even to use those weaknesses as foundations for our success. If we are willing to diligently practice and develop the skills, we can be successful in whatever field we choose.” Jackie Torrence


Your Personal Action Plan : Preparing for Your Future


Most people have no plan for their lives. Many have an idea that they’ll work a certain number of years, then retire. Some may have fantasies and hopes, but they do not have plans. Instead, they respond to what life brings according to the needs of the day. People may have innovative ideas but then might scrutinize them over and over until they find all the reasons why their ideas will not work.


The following steps will help you prepare your personal plan of action.

Step 1: Identify the Desired Result

The first step in designing a plan is to look ahead at the end result you envision. By developing clear vision of what you ultimately want to achieve, it will be easier to identify the steps to get there.


Action: Write a clear and concise/brief statement of specifically what you want to accomplish and by what date. Make sure the statement is consistent with your purpose and passion.


Step 2:  Determine the Skills You’ll Need

Unstoppable people are willing to become students. They exert the energy and make the sacrifices necessary to educate themselves and to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill their dreams.  Many people take training or pursue new job to broaden their experience and knowledge. Without exception, you must have an unwavering/firm commitment to do whatever is necessary to become fully prepared for the tasks ahead.

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Views: 438 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

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Views: 543 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

When purpose ignites the spirit, it generates an inexhaustible fire that burns in the heart of every unstoppable person. That fire is passion.


By living on purpose and pursuing dreams and goals that are consistent with your natural strengths and desires, you can create unstoppable passion almost effortlessly. And when that happens, nothing can stop you.


“You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles, and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you, if you don’t have that kind of feeling for what it is you’re doing, you’ll stop at the first giant hurdle.” George Lucas


“We all face obstacles of one kind or another in life. But if you let your deepest passion serve as your fuel, you’ll be able to travel the road back and move on to make your dreams happen.” Dr. Francisco Bucio


“Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.” Diderot


“Doing something I really love has served my career more than anything else.” Stepen Connel with dyslexia often labeled “Slow” and “stupid” same as Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Hans Andersen.


“Make sure that the career you choose is one you enjoy. If you don’t enjoy what your are doing, it will be difficult to give the extra time, effort and devotion it takes to be a success. If it is a career that you find fun and enjoyable, then you will do whatever it takes. You will give freely of your time and effort and you will not feel that you are making a sacrifice in order to be a success.” Kathy Whitworth, Professional Golfer


“Many of us are afraid to follow our passions, to pursue what we want most because it means taking risks and even facing failure. But to pursue your passion with all your heart and soul is success in itself. The greatest failure is to have never really tried.”


“I would rather be a failure doing something I love than be a success doing something I hate.” George Burns


“If you want to achieve great things in your life, you have to take risks. The first risk is daring to feel deeply, to be passionate about what you want and care about. Enthusiasm is the key to breaking through barriers, whether your dream is to touch one person or millions. Ken Kragen organizer of We Are The World 5.5 millions hands in hands for 4000 miles across 17 states.


“Do not allowed ourselves to be define or limited by others. Follow your passion, follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.” Evelyn Glennie deaf soloist pianist


 Your Personal Action Plan : ... Read more »

Views: 408 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

“Some people bring out the best in you in a way that you might never have fully realized on your own.”


“You are destined for greatness and you can do anything in life if you’re willing to work hard enough to get it.”


“You may not started out life in the best of circumstances. But if you can find a mission in life worth working for and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you from achieving success.” Kemmons Wilson


“When you come across challenges when pursuing a goal, stay focused on your purpose, and remains determined to deal with whatever comes your way. If you hang in there, your sense of purpose will inspired others, and together, you’ll be unstoppable”. Wayne Barton


Your Personal Action Plan: Igniting Purpose in Your Spirit


- Purpose can ignite your spirit, providing personal meaning and deep satisfaction to your life. Purpose is the why-why you are here – and your own special calling. Purpose is the unique gifts and insights that you bring to the planet and can contribute to your world. Purpose fuels your efforts and gives you the drive to continue, no matter what the challenges.


If the secret to living a rich, meaningful life is to live in accordance with your purpose, the obvious question remains, How do those who don’t know their purpose discover it? It’s a difficult but important question, because lasting happiness depends on your ability to answer it truthfully.


William Marsten, a prominent psychologist, asked 3,000 people, “What have you to live for?” the results revealed that 94% responded by saying they had no definite purpose for their lives and it has been said that “everyone dies, but not everyone really lives.” Meanwhile, they simply survive, going through the mechanical motions of living, without ever experiencing the spark of aliveness, they watch their lives quickly pass by and become increasingly fearful that their lives will end before they experience any true joy or deep sense of purpose. Have you felt that way – that something was missing in your life? I did.


Identifying Our True Purpose in Life.


 Step 1: Discover Your Purpose.


Action 1: Start by writing “How I want to be remembered.” List the qualities, deeds, and characteristics for which you would like to be remembered by your friends, spouse, children, co-workers, the community, and even the world. If you have special relationship with other people or groups, such as church, club, or team, include them on the list too. In the process of waiting, you will begin to uncover your true value and the sources of meaning in your life. Ex. I want to be remembered by my wife as a loving husband, who always believed in her, a partner who encouraged her to expand her vision of what w ... Read more »

Views: 434 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

         1.   Dreamers who dream only on small dreams. Many people whose greatest achievements in life are  behind them. A person who dreams in the past is a person whose life is over. That person needs to create a dream in the future in order to come back to life. It is also people who  still celebrate in getting good grades, being prom king or queen, graduating from a prestigious university, or being in the military. In other words, their best days are behind them.

        2. Dreamers who dream only on small dreams. These types of dreamers will dream only small dreams because they want to feel confident they can achieve them. The problem is, even though they know they can achieve them, they never do achieve them. These type of dreamers are often the most dangerous. They live like turtles,  tucked away in their own quiet padded room. If you knock on the shell and steal a quick look in one of the openings, they often take out and bite you. The lesson is let dreaming turtles dream. Most are not going anywhere and that is perfectly fine with them.

         3.  Dreamers who have achieved their dreams and have not set a new dream. This is an example of someone who has successfully achieved his dream and continues to live in the dream. “Twenty years ago, I dreamed of becoming a doctor. I became a doctor and now I am just bored with life. I enjoy being a doctor but something is missing.”

       4.  Dreamers who dream big dreams but do not have a plan on how to achieve them...so they wind up achieving nothing.   These people say, “I’ve just had a major breakthrough. Let me tell you about my new plan,” or “This time things will be different,” or “I’m turning over a new leaf,” or I’m going to work harder, pay off my bills, and invest,” or “I just heard of a new company coming to town, and they are looking for someone with my qualifications. This could be my big break.” “Very few people achieve their dreams on their own. People like this often try to achieve a lot, but they try to do it on their own. People like this should keep dreaming big, find a plan, and find a  team that will help them make their dreams come true.”

         5.   Dreamers who dream big achieve those dreams and go on to dream bigger dreams.  Most of us would like to be this kind of person. The network marketing business encourages people to dream big dreams and achieve their big dreams. Many traditional businesses don’t want people to dream personal dreams.

                                                KILLING THE DREAM

“Be aware of people who want to kill your dreams. There is nothing worse than a friend   or loved one killing your dreams.” There are people who may innocently or not so innocently, say things such as:

   1.   “You can’t do that.”

   2.   “That is too risky. Do you know how many people fail?”

   3.   ... Read more »

Views: 422 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Date: 2009-01-15 | Comments (0)

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