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Main » 2009 » January » 15 » PASSION - Fuels Inexhaustible Energy
PASSION - Fuels Inexhaustible Energy
2:48 PM

When purpose ignites the spirit, it generates an inexhaustible fire that burns in the heart of every unstoppable person. That fire is passion.


By living on purpose and pursuing dreams and goals that are consistent with your natural strengths and desires, you can create unstoppable passion almost effortlessly. And when that happens, nothing can stop you.


“You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles, and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you, if you don’t have that kind of feeling for what it is you’re doing, you’ll stop at the first giant hurdle.” George Lucas


“We all face obstacles of one kind or another in life. But if you let your deepest passion serve as your fuel, you’ll be able to travel the road back and move on to make your dreams happen.” Dr. Francisco Bucio


“Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.” Diderot


“Doing something I really love has served my career more than anything else.” Stepen Connel with dyslexia often labeled “Slow” and “stupid” same as Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Hans Andersen.


“Make sure that the career you choose is one you enjoy. If you don’t enjoy what your are doing, it will be difficult to give the extra time, effort and devotion it takes to be a success. If it is a career that you find fun and enjoyable, then you will do whatever it takes. You will give freely of your time and effort and you will not feel that you are making a sacrifice in order to be a success.” Kathy Whitworth, Professional Golfer


“Many of us are afraid to follow our passions, to pursue what we want most because it means taking risks and even facing failure. But to pursue your passion with all your heart and soul is success in itself. The greatest failure is to have never really tried.”


“I would rather be a failure doing something I love than be a success doing something I hate.” George Burns


“If you want to achieve great things in your life, you have to take risks. The first risk is daring to feel deeply, to be passionate about what you want and care about. Enthusiasm is the key to breaking through barriers, whether your dream is to touch one person or millions. Ken Kragen organizer of We Are The World 5.5 millions hands in hands for 4000 miles across 17 states.


“Do not allowed ourselves to be define or limited by others. Follow your passion, follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.” Evelyn Glennie deaf soloist pianist


 Your Personal Action Plan : Energizing Your Passion

Passion generates a supply of positive energy far more abundant than vitamins, exercise or other health remedy you can imagine. When you’re passionate about what you do, it’s not just the destination that matters, but the entire journey. From beginning to end, the journey is an adventure. When you love what you do, you have the energy to overcome any obstacle.


Doing what you love has three immediate benefits:

1.  You’ll Be Highly Motivated.  

     Passion is the fuel that drives you. It is an unlimited resources for energy and optimism.


“When you’re passionate, you’re focused, purposefully and determined, without even having to try. Your body, mind and spirit are all working in unison towards the same goal.” Marcia Wieder, Author of Making Your Dream Come True.


Without passion, one simply reduces life to existence, mediocrity, and indifference. The choice is yours. You can choose to access your lifeblood by getting in touch with your purpose and pursuing activities that ignite your passion. To live without passion is to live without fully experiencing life’s wonder, drama, and excitement. Living with passion allows you to experience your senses to their fullest. Passion is the energy that will propel you through any obstacle and turn your dreams into reality.


2.  Work Will Seem Like Play

     People with passion find it difficult to use the word “work”. Such person are pursuing what they most enjoy and what is a personally rewarding.


3.  Others Will Share Your Passion and Enthusiasm.

     Enthusiasm draws like a magnet, attracting others to your cause.


“A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.” Your passion is an asset. Use it to inspire and enlist the support of others. People ultimately have no choice but to honor passionate commitment.


Step 1. Identify Your Passion.

 To instill passion in your life, you must first return to your purpose. Purpose can lead you down many different paths. Let your unique personality, desire, and natural strengths lead you to the path that is right for you.


The following exercises will assist you in finding that path:

Action 1: Determine what you love. – realistically assess, based on where you are today, what you love to do and the assets you bring to the table.

         LIKES                          DISLIKES
Learning                         Listening to negative people    

Asking question
                Engaging in small  talk   

Undertaking challenging,  Managing lots of

multifaceted projects              employees

Encouraging others          Giving people bad

                                            news, e.g. firing or

                                            rejecting them

Reading books                  Doing paperwork

Brainstorming                     Dealing with office or

                                             company politics    

Meeting positive, action    Managing details

-oriented individuals

Creating new products      Allowing others to have

                                             control over my life

Working out of my home   Commuting to work

Having big goals                Handling accounting



 STRENGTHS                                   NEEDS IMPROVEMENT


Visionary/think big

Lacking financial resources


Action-oriented – accept total responsibility for my destiny

Limited network outside telecommunications industry



Limited accounting/finance knowledge


Successful sales background

Lacking balance in some areas of life


Extremely outgoing

Very hard on myself – perfectionist



Aggressive – may come on too strong because of my enthusiasm

Resourceful and creative – think “out of the box”

Not tolerant of mediocrity

Believe in myself

Very fast paced, could easily run someone over if not careful

Supported by family



Strong desire to be successful



Action 2.  Identify activities based on your loves.

Based on your strengths and personal likes, identify three activities or goals you could set that are in line with your purpose. As an example, my purpose is to encourage others to become aware of the greater possibilities for their own lives and to take action.

For example, one could

            Become a minister or pastor

            Join the Peace Corps

            Become a trainer inside a major corporation

            Teach an adult or child to read

            Donate time to a favorite charity

            Become a foster parent or grandparent

            Become a mentor

            Become a teacher

            Spearhead support group at a church or club

            Volunteer at a hospital

            Become a counselor on a hot line

            Spend time with a niece or nephew who needs support

            Write a book


Imagine how much richer your life could be if you injected passion into your life and career on a day-to-day basis. When you choose goals and activities that align with your purpose and support your natural strengths and loves, passion will automatically follow. Find what you love and give yourself to it completely. Once you have, nothing can stop you.

Views: 409 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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«  January 2009  »


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