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Main » 2009 » January » 15 » PURPOSE – Ignites the Spirit.
PURPOSE – Ignites the Spirit.
1:22 PM

“Some people bring out the best in you in a way that you might never have fully realized on your own.”


“You are destined for greatness and you can do anything in life if you’re willing to work hard enough to get it.”


“You may not started out life in the best of circumstances. But if you can find a mission in life worth working for and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you from achieving success.” Kemmons Wilson


“When you come across challenges when pursuing a goal, stay focused on your purpose, and remains determined to deal with whatever comes your way. If you hang in there, your sense of purpose will inspired others, and together, you’ll be unstoppable”. Wayne Barton


Your Personal Action Plan: Igniting Purpose in Your Spirit


- Purpose can ignite your spirit, providing personal meaning and deep satisfaction to your life. Purpose is the why-why you are here – and your own special calling. Purpose is the unique gifts and insights that you bring to the planet and can contribute to your world. Purpose fuels your efforts and gives you the drive to continue, no matter what the challenges.


If the secret to living a rich, meaningful life is to live in accordance with your purpose, the obvious question remains, How do those who don’t know their purpose discover it? It’s a difficult but important question, because lasting happiness depends on your ability to answer it truthfully.


William Marsten, a prominent psychologist, asked 3,000 people, “What have you to live for?” the results revealed that 94% responded by saying they had no definite purpose for their lives and it has been said that “everyone dies, but not everyone really lives.” Meanwhile, they simply survive, going through the mechanical motions of living, without ever experiencing the spark of aliveness, they watch their lives quickly pass by and become increasingly fearful that their lives will end before they experience any true joy or deep sense of purpose. Have you felt that way – that something was missing in your life? I did.


Identifying Our True Purpose in Life.


 Step 1: Discover Your Purpose.


Action 1: Start by writing “How I want to be remembered.” List the qualities, deeds, and characteristics for which you would like to be remembered by your friends, spouse, children, co-workers, the community, and even the world. If you have special relationship with other people or groups, such as church, club, or team, include them on the list too. In the process of waiting, you will begin to uncover your true value and the sources of meaning in your life. Ex. I want to be remembered by my wife as a loving husband, who always believed in her, a partner who encouraged her to expand her vision of what was possible and to live her life to its ultimate potential. For my son, I want to be remembered as a father who deeply loved and believed in him and helped him see that there was no limit to what he could contribute. Accomplish, and become if he was committed to achieving it.


The question “ What do you want to be remembered for? will induce you to renew yourself, the question makes you see yourself as the person you can become.”


“The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” Barbara Kingsolver.


Action 2: The following chart, is an excellent tool to help you clarify your purpose.


Column 1

Describe the action you can see yourself doing for others

Column 2

Describe the type of person, organization, or cause you want to serve

Column 3

Describe the goal you want to co-create with that person, org. or cause

My purpose in life is to:





Column 1: Choose the actions that best represent your personal calling and most excite you.

acknowledge          educate           help                praise

advance                   elevate             illuminate      promote

alleviate                    empower         improve        prepare

assist                        encourage      influence      reclaim

build                          enroll                inspire          remember

communicate          entertain          instruct        renew

create                        explore             liberate        serve

defend                      express            listen            strengthen

demonstrate           give                   nurture         support

discover                   heal                   organize      worship


Column 2: Persons, Organizations, and Causes

Abuse                       disadvantaged        physically challenged

At-risk youth           environment            politics environment

Animal protection  family issues                         poor

Bereaved                 grass-roots politics    poverty housing

Business professionals    homeless                 safety

Chemically dependent       human rights     senior citizens

Children                                 hunger                teen pregnancy

Child protection         immigrants                      women

Church                   life-threatening illness    women’s issues

Collage students       literacy                                veterans

Community issue      minorities                           youth

Crime victims             organ donation


Column 3:  This goal should be a core value, ideal, or issue that is so important, you are willing to dedicate your time and resources to make it happen.

Acceptance             health/vitality           self-confidence

Faith                               safety                         enjoyment

Leaving a legacy    being capable       living responsibly

Achievement           independence            self-esteem

Freedom                       security                        equality

Love                          competency             living life to its fullest

Being the best               joy                             self-sufficiency

Growth                          self-actualization          excellence

Making a contribution      dignity                       learning

Believing in themselves   justice                   serving others


Once you determine where you’re headed and why, you could potentially save years of wasted time by not pursuing activities and vocations that offer little meaning and lack harmony with your true sense of purpose. Life is too short to spend it on anything less than meaningful activities.


Step 2: Integrate Purpose into Your Daily Life.

Once you have a clearly defined purpose, you now know where you focus your energies and efforts. Now you can begin to establish goals and make plans – goals and plans that serve your purpose and help create a life of greater meaning. Present and future goals should be evaluated by one criterion only: Do the goals serve your purpose?


Action: Identify one way you can integrate purpose into your life – through your job, business, or community. Commit yourself to taking action this week, soon, your goals will start taking shape and every aspect of your life will reflect and serve your purpose. When that happens, you will have a power to overcome obstacles that you have never experience before.

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«  January 2009  »


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