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Main » 2009 » January » 15 » Preparation Builds the Foundation
Preparation Builds the Foundation
4:32 PM

The average individual has no real plan for his or her future. He or she may have fantasies and even hopes, but not plans.


“There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere. There is only advancing step by step, slowly and tortuously, up the pyramid toward your goals.” Ben Stein


“I’ve always had a vision to do bigger and better things. Not just for myself, but for my family and community. I know you don’t do it all at once. It takes planning and preparation to get big things done, and I was willing to spend fifteen years preparing myself for the challenge. Lee Dunham


“I learned that confidence comes only after a measure of success, and success comes after a whole lot of practice and preparation.” Maury Wills


“I hated every minute of the training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” Muhammad Ali


“I believe that all of us have the potential to rise above our weaknesses, and even to use those weaknesses as foundations for our success. If we are willing to diligently practice and develop the skills, we can be successful in whatever field we choose.” Jackie Torrence


Your Personal Action Plan : Preparing for Your Future


Most people have no plan for their lives. Many have an idea that they’ll work a certain number of years, then retire. Some may have fantasies and hopes, but they do not have plans. Instead, they respond to what life brings according to the needs of the day. People may have innovative ideas but then might scrutinize them over and over until they find all the reasons why their ideas will not work.


The following steps will help you prepare your personal plan of action.

Step 1: Identify the Desired Result

The first step in designing a plan is to look ahead at the end result you envision. By developing clear vision of what you ultimately want to achieve, it will be easier to identify the steps to get there.


Action: Write a clear and concise/brief statement of specifically what you want to accomplish and by what date. Make sure the statement is consistent with your purpose and passion.


Step 2:  Determine the Skills You’ll Need

Unstoppable people are willing to become students. They exert the energy and make the sacrifices necessary to educate themselves and to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill their dreams.  Many people take training or pursue new job to broaden their experience and knowledge. Without exception, you must have an unwavering/firm commitment to do whatever is necessary to become fully prepared for the tasks ahead.


Action: Research and identify the skills, education, and experience required to achieve your goal. One way to help you learn about those requirements is to talk to people who are doing what you want to do.


Step 3: Create a Plan of Action.

By their very nature, dreams have a tendency to be broad and vague/unclear. To be unstoppable, you must convert your dream into reality. You can do so easily by taking your goal and breaking it into smaller steps. Then arrange the steps in priority order and write dates next to each step indicating when it must be accomplished to meet your ultimate objective. A clear, methodical approach will help you move steadily forward, without danger of being overwhelmed by the ultimate goal.   


Action: Now it’s time for you to create your unstoppable plan of action.

  1. Write a clear and concise statement of specifically what you want to accomplish and by what date.
  2. Break your goal down into single steps and activities.
  3. Prioritize the steps and write dates next to each indicating when each step must be accomplished to meet your ultimate objective.
  4. Review your action plan daily.
  5. Do at least one thing every day to move yourself closer to your goal.


Many of you have written plans and we are well on your way to accomplishing your goals. Some of you are just realizing what it is you really want. Regardless of what you want to accomplish, it begins with a dream. But without a plan, your dream may remain just a dream. Start now! Put together your action plan. Then, remember the action part.

Views: 423 | Added by: pinoybigthinker | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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«  January 2009  »


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